
M.lkology Full M.LK

Is this you? You used to drink full milk but decided to look for a tasty milk alternative to look after yourself better – and do your bit for the planet? Great idea. But the trouble is, you’re worried about missing the taste of your full fat dairy milk. Or you’ve tried a few, and you just can’t find an alt milk that works for you.

Ta-dah! Allow us to introduce our MIGHTY M.LKOLOGY Full dairy-free milk alternative made with oats and added plant protein. We developed it not to be milk, but to be the next best thing to it in the UK – the most realistic plant milk on the planet. And ahem, we smashed it out the park.

MIGHTY M.LKOLOGY Full is a smooth and creamy plant-based, dairy-free milk alternative which tastes just like Full dairy milk. Give it a try and you can’t believe it’s not full milk. With the same fat content as dairy (but far fewer calories!), it gives you that rich, deliciously more-ish taste you love. It’s the perfect replacement.

But don’t just take our word for how tasty MIGHTY M.LKOLOGY Full is. Here’s what lovely customer Sam D had to say, ‘Easily the best plant milk I've tried. I was amazed how white and 'milk' like it was and worked a treat on cereal. Highly recommend!’

Cheers Sam.

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Key Benefits

Not only is our MIGHTY M.LKOLOGY Full absolutely jam-packed with oats and plant protein which creates the creamy taste and texture, it's crammed with goodness too.

Each 100ml serving packs in 2g of protein, has just 60kcal and only 2.4g of sugars – all much lower than many other similar oat milk brands. And it's fortified with vitamin B12 and D.

That’s not all, oh no. We’ve also squeezed in 120mg of calcium per 100ml. That's 15% of your recommended daily intake right there. Boom. It's free from dairy, nuts and is sweetened with grape juice not refined sugar. Oh, and it's naturally lactose-free too.

All in all, our MIGHTY M.LKOLOGY Full packs in plenty of nutrition for everyone in the family. It's even perfect as part of a healthy balanced diet from 1 year of age, and as a main milk alternative for kids over the age of 5.

Now you see why we call it the OAT GOAT - the Greatest Of Alt* Time.

*Dairy Alternative Milk!

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Good For You

MIGHTY M.LKOLOGY Full is made using our fiendishly clever Plantech® know-how which makes it even creamier and similar tasting to dairy.

It’s 100% vegan and high in calcium and vitamin D which are needed for normal growth and development of bones in children. It’s jam-packed with protein with 20g shoe-horned into every carton. This is important because we all need protein to stay healthy, and maintain and build our muscle.

We’ve also managed to cram in 19 micrograms of iodine which helps children grow big and strong. That’s almost 13% of the recommended daily amount for adults – and more than other similar plant milk brands. To top it all off, we’ve included vitamin B12 too which helps you to feel a bit less tired or fatigued.

And there’s plenty that we don’t put in. MIGHTY M.LKOLOGY Full oat and pea milk alternative is free from dairy and nuts, free from artificial flavours, colours and preservatives, and naturally lactose-free.

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Good For All Of Us

Switching to MIGHTY M.LKOLOGY Full as a dairy-free milk alternative can also help the planet. That’s because it’s properly sustainable. The main ingredients are yellow split peas and oats which use up fewer natural resources like land and water than cow’s milk or nut milks.

MIGHTY M.LKOLOGY Full is a UHT product which means you can buy it in bulk and not worry about it going off. That’s because our cartons stay fresh, and if unopened you can keep them in the cupboard for up to a year - if you can resist for that long. Once opened, they last for up to 5 days in the fridge.

What’s more, our MIGHTY M.LKOLOGY has been certified by both MONDRA and Foundation Earth, two organisations who are working to reduce food’s environmental impact on the planet. We’re pleased as punch to tell you that both organisations awarded our MIGHTY an A rating. Look out for this label on our cartons!

So we’re sustainable on the inside – and sustainable on the outside. We’ve moved to SIG, a packaging company who strive to make their packaging as natural as possible. In fact, around 75% of their packaging is paperboard made from wood – a natural, renewable resource. This makes every carton 100% recyclable.

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