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Mighty Drinks Recipes

Vegan Fish & Chips With MIGHTY Full

Vegan Fish & Chips With MIGHTY Full
Mighty Drinks
Writer and expert2 years ago
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Fish and Chips made MIGHTY

2 people
Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
30 min

For the mighty mushy peas:

  • 50ml MIGHTY Full
  • 300g peas
  • 2 slices of sourdough crusts removed
  • For the twice fried chips
  • 800g Maris piper potatoes
  • Vegetable oil for deep frying
  • For the crispy batter
  • 100g self-rising flour
  • 1 tbsp dried seaweed sprinkle
  • 100ml vegan ale
  • 50ml MIGHTY Full
  • Salt & pepper

Vegan tartar sauce

  • 70g vegan Mayo
  • 1 tbsp capers
  • 2 gherkins finely chopped
  • Small handful of chopped flat leaf parsley
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • Salt & pepper
  • Lemon wedges to serve



Pre-heat an oven to 120 degrees


Take a large deep saucepan and fill no more than a 3rd with vegetable oil, put on a medium heat, using a temperature probe bring the oil to 140 degrees and turn the heat down, now wash and dry your potatoes and cut into 1cm chips lengthways, carefully add them to the oil and fry until soft but without colour, remove from the oil about 12-15 mins and place onto a baking tray lined with a clean tea towel, allow to cool completely and set aside.


In a mixing bowl sieve, the flour into the bowl season with salt & pepper and mix in the seaweed sprinkle. Firstly, add the Mighty and gently whisk together, now whisk in the vegan ale, you’re looking for quite a thick batter.


Now bring a small pan of water to the boil, taking great care not to splash the pan of oil, turn the heat up on the oil and probe to a temperature of 180 degrees, maintain that temperature.


Now take the floured tofu and dip into the batter, making sure each piece is covered completely and deep fry until golden, making sure the oil stays around the 180-degree mark with the probe. Once crispy and golden add to the oven on a cooling rack on a baking tray.


Add your peas to the boiling water and add your oil blanched chips back into the oil.


Meanwhile mix all of the tartar sauce ingredients together and season to taste


In a jug blender add the drained peas, sourdough and mighty and blitz, once your chips are golden brown carefully remove from the oil with a large, slotted spoon into a mixing bowl season with sea salt and divide onto plates.


Take your mighty vegan tofu fish and place two pieces onto each plate, in two ramekins divide the MMP (mushy mighty peas) into each and finally add a large dollop of tartar sauce on each plate, serve with a couple of lemon wedges

Mighty Drinks
Writer and expert
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